‘Tis the Season…a reflection

Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. ~
1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18

Read Time 2 Minutes

This time of year is filled with many emotions. Warmth, gladness, gratitude, excitement, sentimentalities, sadness from loss or what might be missing, and often life reflections. As I listened to people talk this Thanksgiving about what they are thankful for, I noticed that many people expressed their gratefulness in relation to the last 2 years. I heard, “The last two years have been tough…” expressed more than once. The pandemic seems to have left no one untouched, whether they have had the virus or not, by difficulties due to domino effects that have occurred. What made my heart glad though, was hearing the 2nd part to the statement above, “however, God has blessed me”.

I have my own story from the last two years…a story of challenges during this pandemic. Like many others, this historic time period has often led to a feeling of anxiety due to the uncertain times. Not only did I move across country far from my familiar surroundings 2 years ago, but the stress of a big move and the start of the pandemic certainly aided in emotional distress at times. Beginning a business as a personal trainer was very difficult as well with shut downs that particularly effected restaurants and gyms. There are a variety of circumstances I could continue to share that have provided a challenging past 2 years for myself, but like I heard other people express, I too can say, “however, God has blessed me.”

One of my blessings is being able to move into a new home after a year and a half of apartment living. The way God allowed this progress forward in a time when so much was at a standstill has been amazing! More blessings include having family finally make the trek to the PNW to visit us this past summer, a loving husband to share these times with, the beauty of Washington state that surrounds me, overall good health, and new friends and adventures.

However, the biggest blessing that stands out to me is that God never leaves me alone. Now while it is true that I am never alone because He is always with me, that is not what I’m talking about when I refer to Him not leaving me alone. What I mean is, no matter what hardships I have already been through in my life and overcome through clinging to my faith in Christ, He still does not stop challenging me to overcome more difficulties and grow deeper in my faith walk. So, I give thanks that He delights in me so much that He keeps on shaping me like pottery on the wheel. He is continuing a good work that He started in me. I am thankful for the trials God has allowed in my life these past 2 years because He has been and still is using them to grow me closer and closer to Him. I am thankful that when I ask God, “Why are you allowing this?”, that He gives me reminders of His perfect goodness and also pours out tender mercies and blessings through troubled waters.

As I now look towards Christmas, and think about the the perfect gift of Jesus in this imperfect world, I am thankful for something else too! Due to the past 2 years and all the uncertainty that it has held, I feel a heightened since of peace in the one thing that is always certain…Immanuel. God is always with me, He never changes, He is always good, He never breaks a promise, He will never leave me, and I will be with Him forever one day! Halleluiah!

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. ~ Hebrews 13:8

See, the virgin will become pregnant
and give birth to a son,
and they will name Him Immanuel, which is translated “God is with us. ~
Matthew 1:23

May your Christmas be merry and may your new year be filled with many blessings from above!

4 thoughts on “‘Tis the Season…a reflection”

  1. You made me realize the importance of not letting the stresses of life crowd out the need to make time for my own reflections on the goodness & faithfulness of God in these troubling times we live in. Thank you for being a light in the world, as well as a light for me.

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