A Free Small Drink

Read Time 3 Minutes

While I don’t generally think to describe myself as a Senior Citizen, the impact that I AM ONE hit home recently with a trip to Whataburger! I heard the person in front of me, as they placed their order, request a senior drink. I thought to myself, “Do I count as a senior?”. When it was my turn, I asked the cashier how old you had to be to get the free Senior drink. She said 55, and boom, it hit me! At age 56, I’m in that category! I was happy to know that I could receive the perk, but felt a little disheartened at the reality that I am grouped in the aging population!

As a personal trainer, I have had the privilege to specialize in fitness for women and for senior citizens. I have learned much about the aging process and how the human body changes with age. While I am now experiencing the beginnings of the 55+ aging process, I can attest to the reality of changes from 50-90 years of age by working with a variety of clients and meeting their unique needs in this age range.

The essence of my blog has always been to highlight our great need for our Savior, Jesus Christ, first and foremost as we stay connected to Him and then secondly, to connect Godly living with our physical health! He is our True Vine and apart from Him, we can do nothing…that is, nothing of eternal significance and nothing that brings Him glory (John 15:5). As we stay fully connected in our relationship with Jesus, we can live an abundant life that includes spiritual and physical well-being that brings glory to God!

I believe that pursuing spiritual and physical well-being is a Godly response to life, as I believe God wants very much for us to honor Him by taking care of our physical bodies! John, a devoted disciple and follower of Jesus, even prayed for this very thing!

“Dear friend, I pray that you may prosper in every way and be in good health physically just as you are spiritually.” 3 John 1:2

In 1 Corinthians 3:16, the Bible tells us, Don’t you yourselves know that you are God’s sanctuary and that the Spirit of God lives in you?”. While we are certainly expected to keep growing spiritually as God indwells us, God created our physically bodies too. He dwells in the physical body of every Christian! During Jesus’ ministry on earth, His primary purpose was to heal people spiritually by revealing that He is the way, the truth, and the life…He is our Savior! However, Jesus clearly cared for people’s physical needs too as He was overwhelmed with compassion for those who suffered physically and preformed numerous healing miracles!

Therefore, no matter your age, it is a Godly response to care for your body. Those of us in the 55+ category have a little more urgency to take healthy steps to exercise, eat well, and get rest!

One example of the urgency to exercise is that while losing muscle mass is a natural part of aging, the percentage increases greatly per year after the age of 60. You can slow this process with a nice regiment of strength training. You can also prolong a healthy lifestyle by improving balance, flexibility, and joint health with just the right amount and kinds of exercise!

If you haven’t been looking after your physical health very well, ask God to guide you in your first and your next steps in caring for your body. This clearly connects a spiritual approach to caring for your physical well-being and will honor God greatly!

If you get discouraged because some days are just hard, remember this special verse…

“For the moment all discipline seems painful rather than pleasant, but later it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it.” Hebrews 12:11

Ask God what He would like YOU to do today to take care of your physical needs. Then, take steps towards healthy living no matter your age. You will “yield the peaceful fruit of righteousness” when you honor God by taking care of your body!

On the Edge of My Seat

Read Time 6 Minutes

At the beginning of 2024, I was asked to participate in the activity of choosing a word for the year. I chose the word VICTORIOUS. I chose this word as a challenge to myself to live above the little things that can entangle me in my daily life. These “little things” are the things that can rob my peace…one such example is letting any amount of anxiety to be set in motion for the day.

The action to choose victory over anxiety is going to be a challenge over the next few months for many of us! As the political realm is picking up pace in the furry of preparing for election day in November, we can be rocked with emotions that can include a spectrum of sadness, anger, and fear!

When covid hit in 2020, I found myself encountering a feeling of underlying uneasiness to a more forceful feeling of being on the edge of my seat. I know I’m not alone in this either. It felt like one might feel in an action movie of suspense wondering what was going to happen next, or the feeling building inside when one is climbing upward on a roller coaster anticipating the fall. During covid, we were all wondering what would happen next. It was an uncertain and scary time.

Now, with the uptick of upheaval in the political race as well as just living in an upside down chaotic culture, I find myself battling these feelings again. In some moments, there is a level of fear for our country’s future. In other moments, there is sadness for the things I witness happening around us in our communities and the country as a whole. And still, other moments may include anger at unfolding events, how issues are handled, and how media reports on matters. Again, my guess is that I am not alone in these feelings!

The question then is, how do we remain VICTORIOUS over the tumultuous times that we are living in and the feelings that it can bring on us?

While probably nothing that I share in my writing is earth-shattering new, I write to remind myself and hopefully others how to stay steadfast in our walk with God and to encourage a spiritual and physical wellness as we live fully abiding in the True Vine!

In this article, I want to share some ways or a “recipe” as such that you and I can use to keep a hopeful and peaceful heart during uneasy times and get ourselves up and off the edge of our seats or at least off the “negative” edge of our seats!

First, instead of being an uneasy spectator filled with fear of what might happen next, let’s trade the focus for an exciting “edge of your seat” experience. Let’s anticipate with excitement how God will show us displays of His glory and His presence as events unfold. Remember, nothing takes Him by surprise! Let’s trust Him and lean hard into Him as we watch events around us. This can also include a “watching” for His return. We can remember that we are sojourners in this life. Whether Jesus comes back tomorrow or years from now, we as Christians, have a constant HOPE! We have a Living Hope that is above the earthly stage around us. We don’t have to be shaken because we have an eternal citizenship in Heaven. We get to watch the world arena from an everlasting perspective. What God allows us to experience here, He will give us the strength to endure and the hope to look at everything from the perspective of God’s got this! He has perfect plans, and we do not need to fear. He will take care of us through anything! Let’s keep our eyes focused on Him!

“But our citizenship is in heaven, and from it we await a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, who will transform our lowly body to be like His glorious body, by the power that enables Him even to subject all things to Himself.” Philippians 3:20-21

“Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful.” Hebrews 10:23

“…fear not, for I am with you;
    be not dismayed, for I am your God;
I will strengthen you, I will help you,
    I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” Isaiah 41:10

Again, the way to be VICTORIOUS in the present roller coaster world stage is to keep our eyes turned on the One who will “subject all things to Himself”! As we keep our eyes on Him moment by moment, the natural outflow of this devotion will be to “shine our light” into this dark world. As we share with others the Hope we have in Jesus, may they also be drawn into a saving relationship with Him! When others turn to Jesus because of our hopeful Christ-centered living, that makes a double victory!!

In addition to making Jesus our number one focus and desire, I’d like to continue the “recipe” for living a victorious life. By His perfect design, God gives us more ways that we can live life to the fullest and not be weighed down with anxiety. We can get up off the edge of our seat with meaningful activities that help to counteract the temptation to be anxious and keep us healthy and strong.

“Therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, I urge you to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God; this is your spiritual worship. Do not be conformed to this age, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may discern what is the good, pleasing, and perfect will of God.” Romans 12: 1-2

“…for while bodily training is of some value, godliness is of value in every way, as it holds promise for the present life and also for the life to come.” 1 Timothy 4:8

These verses reinforce that staying steadfast in our focus on Him (renewing our mind and living in godliness) is the top priority to living a triumphant life. However, if you look closely, there are some additional outlets that God provides to help us stay feeling healthy and well and upbeat. He cares about our bodies too and what we do with them.

Therefore, another ingredient to keeping ourselves from the temptation to live in a roller coaster of fear, is to partake in the activity of taking care of our bodies. This is a God-designed natural stress reliever! There is some value to this (1 Tim. 4:8). He wants us to be healthy and well. He designed our bodies to need food, sleep, and physical activity. When we allow any of these areas to go uncared for, we begin to feel depleted physically, mentally, and emotionally.

It is common and proven knowledge that if we are not eating well, not doing our best to get sleep, or not getting regular physical activity, then we are denying ourselves a natural stress relief! All three of these promote a better sense of well-being and lead to a more positive outlook on life. By partaking in exercise, healthy eating, and rest, we feel better not only physically, but emotionally and mentally too!

We need to replace thinking about unhealthy stressful circumstances to thinking about healthy living. Rather than watching too much news or spending too much time on social media, we can make a better sleeping plan or a better meal plan. And by all means we need to make sure we add exercise and physical activities into our life.

Finally, another way that God delights us in this life and offers a dynamic way to relieve stress and anxiety is to partake in the glorious beauty of His creation!

“The heavens declare the glory of God,
and the sky proclaims the work of His hand.” Psalm 19:1

When we take time to enjoy His handiwork…the sky, the trees, the animals, the water, the landforms…we feel refreshed! Just taking a country drive and observing the cows grazing peacefully on the grass refreshes me. They do not fret! Watching the birds go about their business is a pleasure as well. They are not worried. These encounters remind me that the God who cares for animals cares for me too!

So, join me in getting up off the edge of your seat during these uncertain times. I believe that the recipe for living a VICTORIOUS life no matter what the circumstances is to renew your mind by looking to Jesus. Trust Him…lean on Him…stay focused on Him! Take care of your body, for this is pleasing to God too! And, take a walk to soak up God’s creation! Enjoy His beauty found all around in nature! Let’s live in this kind of hopeful peacefulness today!

Hmmm…too blessed to be stressed?

Read Time 6 Minutes

“To Blessed to be Stressed” seems like a great saying at first glance. It implies that if you are counting your blessings and that you are trusting God, then you should not feel stressed. Is this true or false? I believe that it is a little bit of both. Let’s unpack this nifty little saying.

The definition of stress in relation to our minds is “a state of mental or emotional strain or tension resulting from adverse or very demanding circumstances”.

Let’s face it…in this life on earth, you are going to have STRESS! In fact, the Bible confirms this…

We are afflicted in every way, but not crushed; perplexed, but not driven to despair;  persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed;  always carrying in the body the death of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may also be manifested in our bodies.” 2 Corinthians 4:8-10

Over the last year and especially the last five months or so, I have been under stress. I was in a waiting period with God over moving from Washington State back to Texas…wondering if this was God’s plan and purpose. As it became apparent that it was His plan, the slow transition began of relocating and adjusting. This involved moving, selling one home, deciding how to buy another while watching and waiting on the housing market. It involved saying good-bye to friends and hello to new ones. You have probably been there yourself. Anyone who has been involved in a big move and relocation knows that it falls under the definition of STRESS.

To be perfectly honest though, most of my life has involved the definition of stress. I was a teacher for 28 years. This is the epidemy of “mental or emotional strain resulting from very demanding circumstances”! The point is, we absolutely cannot avoid STRESS in this life!

Under this magnifying glass, I would say that our little saying is false. However, there is more to the picture. Undeniably, we are all going to experience stress…probably more frequently than we want. It is what we do with the stress that really matters though.

The reality of STRESS brings us to the crucial point of what to do with it. Will we FRET (worry and get anxious), or will we TRUST (be in a state of peace even under the stress and circumstances)? Probably if you are like me and most other people, you will start to get worried and anxious and allow a feeling of being overwhelmed to settle over you. If you are a Christian, you may allow yourself to feel guilty for letting stress get you down due to sayings like the one above and a misunderstanding of the reality of stress.

Fortunately, there are answers from God to help us with the real fact that we cannot live this life without stress. We can however, grab God’s hand, trust His solutions, believe His promises, and then choose the mindset of resting in His peace even during the tense and demanding circumstances.

Begin to look at stress as what it is…“a state of mental or emotional strain or tension resulting from adverse or very demanding circumstances”. Then, begin to think of yourself as a conqueror through Christ in the midst of the stress. Trust God’s word:

“I can do all things through Him (Christ) who strengthens me.” Philippians 4:13

Realize that you are going to be made better for the stress and experience:

“Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness.  And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing.” James 1: 2-4

Understand that God knows what you are going through, and that He will provide the peace for you if you want it. Understand that He has perfect plans for you during the stress and in the future too:

“I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.” John 16:33

“And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.” Romans 8:28

And finally, there is truth in the saying “too blessed to be stressed” in that if we focus on our blessings, then, we will be able to handle the inevitable stress in a victorious way. So take action, and remember to count your blessings by thanking and praising God not matter what is happening:

“Now to Him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us, to Him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen.” Ephesians 3:20-21

“Rejoice always, pray without ceasing,  give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

I chose a word for this year, and the word is VICTORIOUS! This is the pathway that I see through God’s word to live a victorious life no matter the circumstances. I pray that you too can choose a victorious pathway no matter the stresses that you may encounter this year. Through Christ, we can say blessed be the name of the Lord no matter what happens!

Physically Helping the Mental and Emotional Strain of Stress

As a Christ follower who is also a personal trainer, I can’t help but add to this post a little section about physical activity (yes…EXERCISE)! While we should always take our matters to God first if we want to experience His peace and His divine strength and blessings in our life, He being the master scientist, does give us natural avenues to utilize in helping us reduce stress in our lives. Because of all the advancements in the study of physical exercise, just about everyone knows that there is a direct correlation between exercise and the improvement of your mental and emotional state.

Even without the scientific studies, I know this to be true personally by experience and by the frequent comments from clients who feel immediately better after a training session. By this, I mean that physically, their bodies feel tired after working out, but mentally and emotionally, they often report feeling much better and even experience a better feeling throughout the day.

Scientifically, it is commonly agreed upon that adding any amount or form of exercise into your day will help pump up your brain’s feel-good neurotransmitters, called endorphins as well as reduce negative effects of stress and improve your overall mood.

The point is, choose some type of exercise activity to give yourself a boost. It could be a simple brisk morning walk. I like to begin each morning with a series of stretches that help loosen tight muscles. Make a little exercise corner in your home with some dumbbells and other small equipment to do some mild strength exercises. You might feel that now is the time to join a gym or make an even bigger commitment to physical fitness. At whatever level, just begin some form of exercise to help reduce the stress in your life.

To conclude, seek God first! Rejoice in Him, pray to Him, give thanks to Him, and trust Him. Then, make a plan to take some actions to help reduce stress and let exercise be an avenue to improving your mental and emotional state.

 But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.” Matthew 6:33

“For the moment all discipline seems painful rather than pleasant, but later it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it.” Hebrews 12:11

While stress in inevitable, I hope that this article has given you some encouragement to handle life’s difficult circumstance in a victorious way!

Hold Your Horses

Read Time 5 Minutes

“Wait for the Lord;
    be strong, and let your heart take courage;
    wait for the Lord!” Psalm 27:14

Oh to wait…it’s one of the hardest things to do! I think it is often so hard because we think in our minds that we know just what we need and just what the answer should be in any particular moment or time period. We think we know because it is based on our extreme focus on our own emotion. We forget that our judgement might be clouded by emotion. We also do not have the bigger picture…we might think we do, but we only have what is visible right in front of our eyes. As a Christian, we can remember that we are blessed beyond measure to know the One who always has the big picture and who will always do what is the absolute best for us if we can just “hold our horses” and wait for Him!

There is mystery in the waiting when we rely on God. Mystery can be exciting! We don’t know how our events will unfold or when or what the end result will be, but when we are trusting Him, we can be confident that it is just that…mystery and not uncertainty. What you can be certain of is that God will reveal himself to you in special ways, He will bless you along the way, He will give you strength to endure, and He will grow you in ways that you do not anticipate. How He accomplishes this for each one of us is as unique to our lives as we are each perfectly and individually created by Him. Therefore, we can begin to find joy in the mystery of waiting and trusting God with our path and the outcome of our situation.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
    and do not lean on your own understanding.
 In all your ways acknowledge him,
    and he will make straight your paths. Proverbs 3:5-6

While in a waiting period, there is much we can do to enhance our our lives and shift our focus from our uncomfortable situation to healthy productivity. Here are some suggestions:

  1. Pray without ceasing. (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18) Let God know your heart and your petition. (Philippians 4: 6-7) Let your prayer life grow and blossom as you also read His word and listen for His voice.
  2. Read God’s promises, memorize His promises, and trust in His promises.
  3. Get creative and use the gifts and talents that you have been blessed with to make a difference in your time of waiting.
  4. Be active and exercise. I’m not saying this simply because I am a personal trainer. It is true that exercise is healthy not just for your body, but for your mind and emotions too!

When I am getting weary and frustrated in the waiting, I sometimes think about some brave men who had to endure one of the toughest periods of waiting. These men were POWs during the Vietnam war. Read the following excerpts from a lecture given by Navy Captain Gerald Coffee (who lived in a 3 X 6.5 foot cell for 7 years), and see how even in the most extreme of circumstances there is much one can do to stay strong, have peace, and be victorious in perseverance:

“I prayed a lot,” Coffee said. “At first I expected God to do everything for me, but when I realized that this would be my life for a while, the nature of my prayers started to change. Instead of praying, ‘Why me?’ I started to pray, ‘How can I change?’”

“I used to walk miles inside my cell, just shuffling back and forth,” Coffee said. “I also used my bed for both push-ups and sit ups. It was important for me to continue exercising because I didn’t know when I was going to be released.”

“You would think that with nothing to do, your mind would become unused, but the opposite happened.” Coffee said. “The other prisoners and I found anything and everything to talk about. We picked each other’s brains for all our information, which included memorizing and composing poems.”

“There was this one guy who was chained to his bed and had his arms locked behind him,” he said. “Every night the other prisoners and I would tap on his walls ‘G B,’ which mainly meant ‘God bless,’ but also meant, ‘I’m praying for you. Hold on in there. We are with you.”

“All those years, the Vietnamese tried to rape our spirits and our faith, but they couldn’t do it,” he said. “I was never really alone in that cell. Not with Him by my side.”

Sometimes we have no choice but to wait. At other times, we may have the ability to make a decision to change our course. In those cases we must be careful not to act on impulse or out of frustration or another emotion. We must seek God and be willing to wait as He leads.

So remember, whatever you’re waiting circumstances are, when the waiting gets hard…hold your horses and wait patiently until the waiting time is lifted. Take action in the waiting by exercising your mind using the creative talents that God has blessed you with. Exercise your body physically which also helps your mental and emotional state. And pray, pray, pray! Trust God! Praise God in the waiting! Develop a closer walk with Him! Anticipate the growth and the blessings you will experience through the waiting and then when the waiting is over in His perfect timing!

“…but they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength;
    they shall mount up with wings like eagles;
they shall run and not be weary;
    they shall walk and not faint.” Isaiah 40:31

The Waterfall Experience

Read Time 5 Minutes

“Then I turned to see the voice that was speaking to me, and on turning I saw seven golden lampstands,  and in the midst of the lampstands one like a son of man, clothed with a long robe and with a golden sash around His chest.  The hairs of His head were white, like white wool, like snow. His eyes were like a flame of fire, His feet were like burnished bronze, refined in a furnace, and His voice was like the roar of many waters.” Revelation 1:12-15

My husband, Michael, is a pastor. Recently, he shared a message on this scripture in Revelation. The passage paints a picture of the majesty of our Savior, Jesus, as He was revealed to John on the island of Patmos in the Book of Revelation. In this description of our resplendent Savior, the part that sinks into my heart the most is “His voice was like the roar of many waters”. One Biblical translation describes His voice as “the sound of cascading waters”!

Have you ever sat beside a rushing roaring river before letting the loud and rhythmic sound drown out all your stress? Have you ever refreshed yourself by a gushing waterfall letting the spray rejuvenate your mind and body? Close your eyes for a minute and let your senses paint that picture in your head. There is just something about moving water that is both calming and invigorating! Now take that picture in your head…the power of the mighty flow of the water along with its tranquil and relaxing effects and picture it as Jesus’s voice speaking truth into your life! Picture His arms wrapped around you. He is speaking strength and peace into your life and will hold you up in His promises of perfect care!

While physically visiting a waterfall can be a wonderful refreshment and definitely a tangible reminder of God’s creation and love for us, you can experience that waterfall experience daily when you hear God’s voice!

I hear God’s voice in a variety of ways. It can be powerful and majestic like the waterfall when I am out in nature and enjoying His creation. His voice tells me He is mighty and in control! I have nothing to fear, and He wants to shower me with the riches of His beauty. I also hear Him when I am praying. Comforting thoughts and reminders of His goodness come to me as I talk quietly with Him. I hear His voice when I read His word. It reminds me of His promises and that He will never leave me! There are also times that He gives me clear answers by opening doors and making a path clear!

When you know Jesus as your Savior, you have the ability to hear His voice in different ways. When you know Him personally, that voice like the “roar of many waters” flows through you always and can provide rejuvenating refreshment daily. Sometimes, we just need to be reminded to listen and tap into all His goodness!

The voice of the Lord is over the waters;
The God of glory thunders;
The Lord is over many waters.
 The voice of the Lord is powerful;
The voice of the Lord is full of majesty.
Psalm 29:3-4

My sheep hear My voice, I know them, and they follow Me. I give them eternal life, and they will never perish—ever! No one will snatch them out of My hand.John 10: 27-28

What do God, waterfalls, and exercise have in common?

Rejuvenation! Healing! And, when kept in the right perspective and truth, Wellness! Acknowledging that God is our ultimate Healer, we can then fully partake in waterfalls and exercise as resources He gives us that aid in achieving a state of wellness!

In keeping with the purpose of my blog to connect faith and fitness, I believe that God and our relationship with Him must come first. When we are connected to the “True Vine” and have peace and wellness in our soul, then we are much better equipped to successfully engage in activities that help our physical, mental, and emotional well-being.

With that said, there is much scientific evidence to support that both waterfalls and exercise reduce stress, lower anxiety, and promote health. When talking health and science, it is important to realize and accept that God and science are not separate. Our Creator is the master scientist! It is not randomness that created the healing effects of waterfalls. It is not a coincidence that our bodies thrive on appropriate physical activity. God is the creator of the science behind all the functions of nature. He knew what He was doing when he designed natural resources and their usefulness to us including our health. He perfectly designed all the intricate workings of our bodies and has always known what parts of nature would offer health benefits and what physical activities would aid us in being fit.

“For it was You who created my inward parts;
You knit me together in my mother’s womb.
I will praise You
because I have been remarkably and wonderfully made.
Your works are wonderful,
and I know this very well.” Psalm 139: 13-14

Taken from the collective research of multiple sources, there is scientific evidence supporting that being near waterfalls and other frothing water sources produces positive health benefits. Some of these benefits mirror the benefits of exercise and its effects on the body.

When you are in the presence of a waterfall, by a rushing river, or watching ocean waves roll in, there is a reason you feel refreshment. When water molecules collide, they release negative ions into the air. When you are breathing in air that has a higher ratio of negative versus positive ions, your bloodstream receives some healthy benefits. High levels of negative ions boost energy and aid in positive mood, and have even been found to suppress serotonin levels. Thus being near splashing water can help ward off depression and reduce anxiety. These effects also support the general findings from research that people who spend time in nature are often happier than those who don’t. Therefore, there should be much motivation to make plans to spend time in His creation and bask near a beautiful waterfall, river, or ocean setting!

For some, it is not as easy to get out into nature frequently and enjoy the benefits regularly. Location and availability make a difference too. More thought and planning may have to go into making a trip. However, most individuals can partake in some form of exercise regularly. The benefits of exercise are widely known in our society. It has also become common knowledge that fitness activities help more than just the physical side of building strength and improving balance and flexibility.

Much like the waterfall effect, regular exercise helps you emotionally and mentally by boosting your energy and altering your chemical balance to give a positive mood and better outlook on life! Exercise is also known to reduce stress and anxiety and aid in helping to make improvements in depression. The benefits of exercise can grow when individuals take a break from “screen time”…much like when you are out in nature!

Both waterfall exposure and exercise can help people sleep better too! It is clear that the advantages of both being near water and taking part in fitness offer a multitude of healthy rewards towards being well!

For a real supercharge, plan hikes to involve ocean, river, and waterfall experiences. Make sure to linger by the water and soak up the positive effects! Spend time praising God, the Master creator and scientist, who has made it all perfectly possible!

The earth is the Lord’s, and all it contains,
The world, and those who live in it.
 For He has founded it upon the seas
And established it upon the rive
Psalm 24: 1-2

Imagine There’s No Heaven?

Read Time 3 Minutes

It’s 2022! A new year…a new start! Most everyone looks at a new year with renewed hope for peace and happiness and wellness. This year especially, after the last two historic years unlike anything our country has experienced in it’s 245 years, people are searching for these treasures.

John Lennon desired peace for himself and for the whole world. I am a John Lennon and Beatles fan…there was just something about their music and the melodies they played that created emotion in the heart! I love to hear the song, “Imagine”, but truly, the lyrics make me very sad. The lyrics equate peace to there being no heaven and no hell. While this IS an acknowledgement of Heaven and Hell, the thought is if Heaven and Hell would cease to exist, we could be at peace…no wars…no greed…just a brotherhood of man. Unfortunately, it is not the existence of Heaven and Hell that cause good and evil, it is the existence of sin. And truly, what is expressed as peace in the song “Imagine” is some of what Heaven will be like one day for all those who are saved and go to Heaven. So, rather than imagining “… there’s no heaven…no hell below us”, the better pursuit would be to get to Heaven!

To find true PEACE in 2022, look to the Someone who can save you from your sins and make a way to Heaven for you rather than looking to the new year with empty hope for peace and happiness. While there are expressions of God’s love through people here on earth, and while we can see a reflection of God’s goodness in people around us, we cannot rid this world of sin. This earth cannot become a utopia or a one-world brotherhood until Jesus comes back. There is Heaven and there is Hell…it is a reality…pursue the things of Heaven in this new year, and that is where peace will be discovered and lived out in this broken world. Then one day for those who ask Jesus Christ for forgiveness of their sins and invite Him into their hearts, they will have perfect peace forever in Heaven!

If you don’t have the certainty of going to Heaven because you have not asked Jesus into your heart, don’t wait! Begin experiencing the saving grace of Jesus right now in 2022, and begin living that peace of knowing that one day you will live with Him in Heaven forever. It puts the life you live here on earth in a whole new perspective!

 “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life.  For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through Him.” John 3:16-17

If you know Him already, take his hand moment by moment in this new year and walk closer with him than ever before not getting entangled in the discouragement of this world. Take hold of your citizenship in Heaven right now while still walking on this earth, and soar to greater heights of peace right now!

“But our citizenship is in heaven, and from it we await a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ,  who will transform our lowly body to be like His glorious body, by the power that enables Him even to subject all things to Himself.” Philippians 3:20-22

“…but they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength;
    they shall mount up with wings like eagles;
they shall run and not be weary;
    they shall walk and not faint.” Isaiah 40:31

Wellness in the New Year

While ultimate citizenship is in Heaven for Christ followers, we still have our physical presence right now to live in 2022. Often on the mind in a new year is health and wellness. As a personal trainer, I am all about wellness! The National Academy of Sports Medicine defines wellness as an individual’s personal journey toward the mental, physical, social, and emotional betterment of life. I am thankful that as a trainer, I have the opportunity to help women and senior citizens work towards fitness goals to be healthy and well! It is clearly evident that after a client has been working out consistently for a short time that they begin to see positive results not only physically, but also mentally and emotionally.

With all the draining and difficult circumstances surrounding us in this pandemic world over the past 2 years, keeping one’s mind sharp is equally important to physical fitness. There are a plethora of studies that show the connectiveness between the physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Therefore, healthy habit changes in the new year to diet and physical activity can also improve your cognitive health as the increasing amount of research shows. Small daily changes to food choices and physical activities can lead to big changes over time. If you are needing an improvement in overall wellness in 2022, then make an intentional plan for physical activity, develop a few new healthy food habits, and get the right amount of sleep for your body. You will see improvements for not only for your body, but for your mind as well!

And just remember, while the above definition for wellness sounds good, it falls short by excluding true “soul-wellness” which is peace through the loving relationship with Jesus Christ. When we pursue the betterment of life all by ourselves, we cannot achieve the ultimate goal of soul-wellness which is peace. However, with Jesus, all things are possible!

“I am able to do all things through Him who strengthens me.” Philippians 4:13

We do not know at what moment it will be our time to step into eternity. Until then, may 2022 be the best year ever! It won’t be because we are looking to our country to get miraculously better, or because we think we can accomplish our personal goals and resolutions on our own, but because we walk with Jesus each day allowing Him to strengthen us to make the changes we need!

2021…Ready, Set, Go!

I am able to do all things through Him who strengthens me. Philippians 4:13

Read Time 5 Minutes

In keeping with my original inspiration for writing my blog, “True Vine Living” (being healthy spiritually and physically), I want to reiterate that I believe that true health and well-being first and foremost begins with being healthy spiritually. The only way to accomplish that is by giving your life to Christ.

“…for while bodily training is of some value, godliness is of value in every way, as it holds promise for the present life and also for the life to come.” 1 Timothy 4:8

We cannot exist completely whole and in good health if our spirit is unclean. None of us can achieve this on our own. We must be made new by the cleansing blood of Jesus Christ. We can try and try, but we cannot keep ourselves without any sin in our hearts. It is a constant battle that cannot be won on our own. We can; however, be cleansed and redeemed when we ask Jesus into our hearts. This means that we acknowledge that He died for us on the cross in place of us for our sins. He is God’s Son. God loves us so much that He gave His Son for us. When we except that we cannot make ourselves perfect and without sin, and that Jesus died for us, and that He is our way to Heaven for eternity, we can be victors over sin! When we ask Him to live in our heart and He becomes our master…our Lord and Savior, then true healthy living can begin. If you have not yet asked Jesus into your heart, I lovingly hope and pray that you will make this step right now in 2021.

“For God loved the world in this way: He gave His One and Only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send His Son into the world that He might condemn the world, but that the world might be saved through Him.” John 3:16-17

“For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God…” Ephesians 2:8

Once you have a personal saving relationship with Jesus Christ, then you can begin to tackle all the daily aspects of life “through Him who strengthens” you! (Philippians 4:13)

When we are spiritually healthy, then we have more power to take care of our physical health! As a personal trainer, the other inspiration for my blog is to be an encourager for healthy living through fitness and building good food habits. In this desire, I have put together two manageable and hopefully fun, motivating, and tasty lists for exercise and healthy eating ideas to try in this new year (with a 2021 twist)!

If you are interested in home exercise ideas, read on. If you are interested in healthy food ideas for snacks and small meals packed with good things for your body, you can view this list in the last section of this post.

“Twenty-One” At Home Exercises

With many gyms closed, mask mandates, and social distancing guidelines that don’t seem to be going away in the new year, most of us have found exercising challenging to accomplish. It’s been very hard to feel motivated. In this new year, ask God to help you in your motivation for physical well-being. Then, realize that you have a “gym” in and around your home with very little equipment needed for physical fitness, and the best equipment being your own body!

Here are “21” exercises for 2021 that you can do right in your own home or in close proximity to your home. Each of these exercises can be modified to be made easier or more difficult. If you are not sure what some are or the proper form to use, you can search the internet for very easy video demonstrations. I am also happy to help answer questions. You may leave a comment on my blog or message me through Facebook if you want a little help or guidance. The point is, just pick a few exercises to get started and do a little research on a few if you are unfamiliar. Be careful and don’t overdo to prevent injury. Build up to more as you feel you can. You may choose from these “21” exercises or use others you know to get started on a healthier you. If it’s a repetitive exercise, try “21” reps. Exercise for at least “21” minutes or more 3 to 5 times a week. This is a small start to building an exercise program. This is a big start to being physically healthy in 2021! The emphasis on “21” is to remember to conquer 2021 no matter what!

  1. Take a brisk “21” minute walk.
  2. Stretch various muscles. Choose a muscle (hamstring, calf, quad, etc.) Slowly stretch the muscle and gently hold for at least 21 seconds. You would be amazed at how stretching daily makes you feel so much better. I never miss this part of exercise!
  3. Pushups – traditional or modified by doing a pushup on an incline using a stable chair against a wall or park bench
  4. tricep dips– again using a stable chair against a wall or a park bench
  5. bicep curls– require dumbbells
  6. chest press– require dumbbells
  7. overhead press– require dumbells
  8. jumping jacks
  9. mountain climbers
  10. squats
  11. calf raises
  12. lunges
  13. sit-ups (core)
  14. crunches (core)
  15. plank– hold 21 or more seconds (core)
  16. butterfly kicks (core)
  17. bicycle floor exercise (core)
  18. bridges (gluts and core)
  19. climb stairs at home or in a park
  20. high knees drill
  21. Play a little basketball or play catch with someone! Make sure to have fun!

“Twenty-One” Good Foods for 2021

These foods made my list because most of them are complete protein foods, or complex carbohydrates that rank low on the glycemic index. A few of them are on my list because they offer another type of benefit. Of course if you have special dietary needs, some of these foods may not be for you. Enjoy some of them if you can, and pack your body with the energy and nutrients that you need to tackle 2021!

  1. A handful of natural almonds…one of my favorite healthy treats. They have many benefits, and I like that the Vitamin E is good for skin and eyes!
  2. humus with whole wheat pita
  3. edamame
  4. Ezekiel Bread
  5. yogurt with granola
  6. natural peanut butter on celery (add a few raisins for “Ants on a Log”)
  7. mozzarella cheese stick
  8. whole egg
  9. mixture of peanuts and sunflower seeds
  10. dried apricots
  11. an apple
  12. herbal tea sweetened with honey
  13. lentil soup and whole wheat bread
  14. rice and beans
  15. grapefruit
  16. cherries
  17. almond butter on an apple
  18. carrots with humus
  19. grapes
  20. oatmeal made with milk
  21. Because we all need a treat…dark chocolate (the healthiest if you need some chocolate)!

May 2021 be an amazing year for each of us no matter the circumstances surrounding us. May we be healthy and well by seeking the One who has already overcome the world! (John 16:33)

“But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be provided for you.” Matthew 6:33

Marking Time

Here is what I have seen to be good: it is appropriate to eat, drink, and experience good in all the labor one does under the sun during the few days of his life God has given him, because that is his reward. Ecclesiastes 5:18

Read Time 5 Minutes

As 2020 draws to a close, I find myself like many Americans wanting to check off another day, and get this year concluded! Weary is how this year has left me, and I have often felt myself succumb to the feeling of just “marking time”. It has been a struggle to overcome this attitude in light of all the events that have unfolded this year!

Covid-19 with it’s deaths, sicknesses, and all the politicalisms that are attached to this virus have worn our spirits thin. Businesses closing, jobs lost, school children learning in isolation, depression, suicides, and a huge lack of trust in leaders are additional results of this pandemic. People have felt alone in hospitals without family being allowed to visit. Assisted living facilities have been on lock-down. Weddings and other celebrations have been whittled down to the bear minimum. Add to that a divided country, riots, and a crazy election, and you have many great big reasons to leave this year behind!

The struggle this year has been personal. My husband and I had just made a major move a couple of months prior to the onset of 2020. We moved from Texas to Washington far away from family and friends and all the familiarity that came from having lived in Texas for 47 years of my life. We moved because God led my husband to pastor a small church in Bremerton, WA. I retired from 28 years of teaching and started my own personal training business. We came with the excitement of God’s plans for us and the enjoyment of getting to make new friends. Still, we knew that any big move or change has its challenges. These changes along with the combination of all the events during this historic year have certainly tested my endurance. Church services had to go to online for a time period and continue to be altered. My business has for the most part been shut down by the pandemic. Quite honestly, this year has been testing the daily “trusting God” part of my faith as I wrestle with a variety of feelings each day.

Over the years I have had a good share of difficult times in my life that have grown my faith. I’ve experienced tragic death, unexpected divorce, rejection and deception, and major medical trauma. Through these trials, I was able to learn first hand how God gets me through every trial and works all things for my good. I have grown deeper in my walk with Him through these experiences and hardships. I have learned to know great sorrow, but also have JOY as I walk hand in hand with God navigating troubled times. I’ve learned to believe and trust that no matter what comes my way, God will sustain me. However, even with all I have experienced and learned, God does not seem to be finished refining my faith. I’ve asked God this year, “Why after all I’ve been through and all I have learned and know about Your all sufficiency, do I struggle with anxiety and other emotions in 2020?” I think this year, He has shown me that He wants me to rely on Him even more every moment of the day! He is not just for the major trials that knock us off our feet. His strength is for every aspect of our day in order to conquer the enemies of anxiety, fear, self-pity, and isolation. He wants to take me into an even deeper walk with him. For this, I am thankful. God loves me so much that He keeps growing me and drawing me closer to Him!

“Consider it a great joy, my brothers, whenever you experience various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance.  But endurance must do its complete work, so that you may be mature and complete, lacking nothing.” James 1:2-4

I think what I have felt this year, many others have felt as well… “Let me just check off another day and move on”. I know that God has been telling me not to have this attitude and to not let the negative feelings have any control over me. I think what God is teaching me through 2020 is not to just MARK TIME when I feel overwhelmed with wrong feelings, or I feel disenchanted. He wants me to live each day to the fullest making the most of every moment that He gives me. Each day He gives me is not a mistake, it is a gift!

The following verses reveal that we are certainly not meant to “mark time” with the days that God gives us. These verses are a dose of good medicine for me, and maybe they can help you as well to finish out 2020 victoriously through Him (Philippians 4:13) making the most of every day!

Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
and do not rely on your own understanding;
 think about Him in all your ways,
and He will guide you on the right paths.” Proverbs 3:5-6

Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men,  knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward. You are serving the Lord Christ.” Colossians 3:23-24

You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. 38 This is the great and first commandment. 39 And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” Matthew 22:37-39

And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.Colossians 3:17

 “Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, making the best use of the time, because the days are evil.” Ephesians 5:15-16

“Therefore, God’s chosen ones, holy and loved, put on heartfelt compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience,  accepting one another and forgiving one another…” Colossians 3:12-13 

“The Future is, of all things, the thing least like eternity. It is the most temporal part of time–for the Past is frozen and no longer flows, and the Present is all lit up with eternal rays.”
― C.S. Lewis, quote from The Screwtape Letters

Who knows what 2021 will have to offer, but with God on our side (Psalm 118:6), we can make every day count! There is much to accomplish in the work God has given each of us, moments to show care towards others, and time to love God with all of our heart and spend time with Him every day. I want to finish out this year having learned better how to make all moments count and not just check off another day. Hopefully, by sharing my struggle this year, I have used my time today well and offered some encouragement that might help you too! Keep looking up!

This is the day that the Lord has made;
    let us rejoice and be glad in it.” Psalm 118:24

Backpacking Through Life

Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth. – Colossians 3:2

Read Time 3 Minutes

“We’re basically a bunch of backpackers. We are all just travelers. We are all just on a journey, and we’re heading for our Home.” – Kim Jones, July 1999

“Kim was only 23 years old when she went home to be with her Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, on September 15, 1999, as a result of the shooting at Wedgwood Baptist Church in Fort Worth, Texas, U.S.A. ” – www.thelightstillshines.org

I often feel like a sojourner here on earth…never quite at home, always a little out of place. Sometimes when that feeling makes me uncomfortable and a little lost or alone, I remember that those who know the Lord really are just foreigners while living on this earth. This is not my forever home. This is not where I really belong. Peter even refers to Christians as sojourners and exiles (strangers and temporary residents) in 1 Peter 2. My true citizenship is in Heaven (Philippians 3:20), and I am just on a journey through this temporary life that God has blessed me with whether I am on a mountaintop or in a valley. Remembering this truth and promise from God redirects my focus and brings comfort. It brings the ability to put things of this world in perspective.

Beloved, do not be surprised at the fiery trial when it comes upon you to test you, as though something strange were happening to you. – 1 Peter 4:12

“…but our citizenship is in heaven, from which we also eagerly wait for a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ.  He will transform the body of our humble condition into the likeness of His glorious body, by the power that enables Him to subject everything to Himself.” – Philippians 3:20-21

While backpacking through this life, we can choose to make the most of each step we take just like we might do on an afternoon hike in God’s creation. We can equip ourselves properly for the journey. We can fill our backpack with sustenance (prayer, the Word of God, fellowship on the trail). We can enjoy the beauty (blessings) along the way. We can renew our mind each day. We can choose to be a friendly face with a kind word to another hiker. We can be a light on the path for others.

“Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.” – Romans 12:2

“In the same way, let your light shine before men, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father in heaven.” – Matthew 5:16

In 2016, I prepared for the most extensive and strenuous hike I had ever taken. I prepared to hike Longs Peak at 14,255 feet. Most of the hike would take me above treeline in pretty harsh elements (cold and wind). My sweet husband wrote out a couple of Bible verses for me to put in my hiking shoes so that it would be a reminder that God is with me and my path is prepared by Him.

Your word is a lamp to my feet
    and a light to my path.- Psalm 119:105

Yahweh my Lord is my strength;
He makes my feet like those of a deer
and enables me to walk on mountain heights! – Habakkuk 3:19

This was certainly a special gesture and did remind me to keep my focus on God, and that it is He that lights my path for a hike and for this journey every day while I am alive on earth. Keep looking up!

Take a Hike

Choose today to take a short hike somewhere soon. Renew your mind and talk with God. This is good for the body and the soul. And don’t forget to pack a snack that will keep you fueled. The following recipe is one of my favorite nutritious snacks that is full of protein and sweet goodness just perfect for a day hike.

Honey Nutters

1 cup of natural peanut butter (I use Adams up here in the PNW) 2/3 cup of local honey 1/2 cup of organic instant nonfat dry milk powder 16 organic graham crackers crushed to make fine crumbs wheat grem

Combine first 4 ingredients (You may want to use your hands to get it well blended). Pour wheat germ into a separate bowl. Scoop out a teaspoonful of the mixture and make it into a little ball. Roll each ball in the wheat germ to coat evenly. Refrigerate.

Enjoy a healthy snack, enjoy a beautiful day, and enjoy communing with our Lord as you take a hike!

Your “Joy Bucket”

“These things I have spoken to you, that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be full.”
John 15:11

Read Time 3 Minutes

Think about walking through a wooded area where the bushes are in full production just ready for the picking of the plumpest juiciest blackberries. It’s a beautiful sunshiny day with just the right cool breeze. With bucket in hand, you plan on picking and filling the bucket with an overflowing amount of blackberries to take home for making pies, jam, and other blackberry treats to delight yourself for days to come. If you allowed yourself to get sidetracked with the sticks and brush in your way and began filling your bucket with the debris along your path, your bucket would not hold the tasty berries. You would go home depleted instead of being refreshed with the ability to be satisfied with delectable treats for the coming days. Think about this picture as you continue reading my blog post.

Times are tough right now! It seems as though our country is turned upside down. For some in America, the Covid-19 is very upfront and real. Some have tested positive, some have sadly died from the virus, and healthcare workers see it all first hand. For others, the issues have been financial struggles…maybe even the loss of a business. I think for all of us, the times have been very mentally and emotionally challenging. From corona-virus, to protests and riots, to demonstrations of love versus hate, to continued deep divisions in our country both politically and personally, it is very hard to be positive!

During my life, I have encountered and navigated through some very difficult and heartbreaking times. These struggles have helped me to grow in my faith and learn to rely whole-heartily on God to supply my every need, my every comfort, and my complete peace. I have even learned how to experience true joy right along with sorrow.

I am desiring to do the same during these trying times, but it seems very hard. I find it a daily struggle to stay positive and grab hold of all the peace and joy available to me through God in the midst of so many negative issues in our country. A couple of nights ago, it became clear to me why I have been struggling with this matter of joy. I have the head knowledge and the experiential knowledge of joy, and I have been praying to feel God’s peace and joy during these tough times; however, I was forgetting a very important action on my part. I was forgetting to actually REJOICE! When I choose to rejoice, then the “joy bucket” in me begins to be filled up. Because each day seems to be filled with so much negativism in the media and in the conversations of so many, the negatives have been the focus and what I have been piling in my bucket. The negatives we are all facing were the big things in my mind that were depleting my “joy bucket”. I needed to adjust my thoughts by beginning with the action of rejoicing.

This is the day that the Lord has made;
    let us rejoice and be glad in it.
Psalm 118:24

I am now consciously taking action each day. I am choosing to REJOICE in who I am in God. Just the simple fact that I am His puts me in an overriding victorious circumstance at all times no matter what is going on in this world. I am His, a child of the one true King. My life will always be abundant because He is always good to me. He promises to get me through anything I face in my life. I am secure in eternity because of my salvation through Jesus Christ. Because He lives, I can face each day with confidence. With this kind of security, why would I not choose to rejoice every day! I hope that you too can choose with full confidence and peace to REJOICE in knowing God, His goodness, and His Son, Jesus! Join me in filling our “joy buckets” with all the fullness of His goodness today!

Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!  Let your graciousness be known to everyone. The Lord is near.  Don’t worry about anything, but in everything, through prayer and petition with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God.  And the peace of God, which surpasses every thought, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:4-7

More than that, we also rejoice in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have now received reconciliation. Romans 5:11