The Happy Ones

Image by Skeeze from Pixabay

Read Time 3 Minutes

When I was a little girl, one of my favorite animal books included a chapter entitled “The Happy Ones” and it was all about the sea otter’s playful and happy ways. The sea otter immediately became one of my favorite mammals and still is today.

My childhood book and a picture of a sea otter that my daughter drew for me in honor of my love for otters.

However, don’t let the “happy ones” who have been observed playing tag with each other fool you with their fun-loving antics. They have hard lives too. Meeting their basic needs for food and survival can be tough sometimes, but still otters serve as a reminder, that even when days or times in life can be very difficult, we can choose to play, and we can choose joy-filled living.

“Rejoice always,  pray without ceasing,  give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” 1 Thess. 5 :16-18

This is the day that the Lord has made;
    let us rejoice and be glad in it.
Psalms 118:24

I love the lines from the song called “Joy” by Mercy Me…”Count it pure joy when the whole world comes crashin’ Hold your head up and keep on dancin’.”

The “Fun” Factor in Exercise

Speaking of playing tag , dancing, and having fun, as a personal trainer, I have learned that keeping clients motivated and happy means there needs to be a “Fun” factor to exercise. Only a small percentage of people really think exercising is fun.

Did you know that doing weight-bearing exercise not only builds muscle, but it also strengthens bones. You can achieve greater bone density and strength by working against gravity. Resistance training, walking, jogging, climbing, and even dancing are examples of weight-bearing exercise.

There is no disputing that exercise at some level is important for all people. Some individuals live very active lifestyles and make fitness a regular part of their lives. Many more do not, and the result is a rise in chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, and cancer to name a few. Our lives are busy, fast paced, but also more sedentary. Making exercise a fun and more recreational part of our lives can help reduce chronic disease, help lower aches, pains, and injuries due to stress, as well as build muscle and bone mass making us stronger and feel better. We can reduce our stresses and anxieties by adding physical activity to our weekly routines and have fun with it too.

Make a goal to include at the minimum 45 minutes of physical activity at least 3 times a week. Be creative and make it fun. Think of ideas for indoors and outdoors. Some possibilities:

Turn on music in your home and dance** Shoot baskets outside or play any kind of ball with someone else**Go swimming** Take a walk and talk with a friend** Find a nature trail to go on a hike** Grab some dumbbells and take them outside to work your arms** Start your morning by doing various stretches that feel good to your body** Join a gym** Try working with a personal trainer to gain some ideas and exercise structure to build your routine from** Try a local boot camp for outdoor fitness fun** Google different exercise classes in your area and just try something new!

Bottom Line…Get moving and try to have FUN doing so! The many physiological, physical, and performance benefits are well worth it!
