GPS to the Rescue

“In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make straight your paths.” Proverbs 3:6

Read Time 4 Minutes

I was recently making a short 70 mile trip to see my daughter at college. There are 2 routes available for this destination…one that sticks to main highways and one that takes a more “country road” path. Both ways are very familiar to me as I attended the same college. On this particular day, I wanted to take the favorite country path. I checked the forecast before leaving that morning and there was a 30% chance of rain for later that afternoon. I set out excited to see my daughter soon!

It wasn’t long into my drive that rain began earlier than expected. I reached a stretch of road that was under construction, and in that stretch, the rain became a torrential downpour! So much so, that I could barely see 3 feet in front of me. There was no place to pull off due to a concrete wall because of construction. The lanes narrowed and there were many oncoming construction vehicles coming the opposite direction with their lights beaming in my already blinded vision. What had always been very familiar to me seemed foreign for the moment, and I felt a little fear rise inside of me. My hands griped the steering wheel with a very tense hold, and I began to pray for safety. Then the road forked and in my path were road blocks and a sign that said road ended. It was still pouring and there were no signs for a detour. I didn’t even recognize where I was along the route. I was able to pull over at this point. Because of our modern technology, I was able to pull up GPS and be guided along a new path. Soon I was on my way again just as the heavy rain began to let up.

I thanked God for getting me get through those intense moments safely. Sometimes, I scoff at all the modern technology such as GPS because I like to use old fashioned ways. On this day, I was thankful for GPS. It made me think about how just as the GPS guided me to safety and back on my path in a murky situation, God does that too on an exponentially larger scale for my whole life. I think others might have already made this analogy before, but on this day, the analogy that God is my GPS for doing life struck me wholeheartedly! I thought, “GPS…God Provides Security”!

Sometimes we get ourselves off the path that God has for us. Sometimes, we are blindsided by life. Whatever the circumstances are, God desires to always help us and guide us on the path that is His will for our lives. This road trip experience just reminded me to always look to God for directions, security, and peace of mind. He is the ultimate GPS!

It is the Lord who goes before you. He will be with you; he will not leave you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed.” Deuteronomy 31:8

Ever Feel Lost at the Gym?

Joining a gym is a great first step to becoming a healthier you! Many people join with that goal, but then feel at a loss for how to use all the equipment or even how to progress themselves along to reach their goals. A gym can sometimes feel very intimidating. As a personal trainer, helping woman learn about equipment as well as techniques for exercise and progression are some of the ways I help them. In a sense, a personal trainer can serve as a GPS for the gym and for your workout life.

Here are a few tips on maneuvering through the gym…

  • Usually, people are very friendly at gyms. If you’re not sure about how to use a piece of equipment, just ask someone who works there or another gym member.
  • If you see another gym member using balls, steps, ladders, dumbbells, battle ropes, or anything in the gym in new or interesting ways, strike up a conversation and learn something new.
  • Once you know how to use some of the equipment or weights properly, learn ways to progress. You can progress by increasing the weight by small amounts over time. Or you might choose to increase the number of reps using the same weight. You can also increase sets such as 2 sets of 15 to 3 sets over time.
  • Exercise with a friend and help each other learn.
  • Also, you can Google just about anything for exercise…just pay attention to the source as you would with anything you Google.
  • Have fun and don’t give up on working towards your fitness goals! Fitness is a good thing for body and soul!

” For the moment all discipline seems painful rather than pleasant, but later it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it.” Hebrews 12:11

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