A Free Small Drink

Read Time 3 Minutes

While I don’t generally think to describe myself as a Senior Citizen, the impact that I AM ONE hit home recently with a trip to Whataburger! I heard the person in front of me, as they placed their order, request a senior drink. I thought to myself, “Do I count as a senior?”. When it was my turn, I asked the cashier how old you had to be to get the free Senior drink. She said 55, and boom, it hit me! At age 56, I’m in that category! I was happy to know that I could receive the perk, but felt a little disheartened at the reality that I am grouped in the aging population!

As a personal trainer, I have had the privilege to specialize in fitness for women and for senior citizens. I have learned much about the aging process and how the human body changes with age. While I am now experiencing the beginnings of the 55+ aging process, I can attest to the reality of changes from 50-90 years of age by working with a variety of clients and meeting their unique needs in this age range.

The essence of my blog has always been to highlight our great need for our Savior, Jesus Christ, first and foremost as we stay connected to Him and then secondly, to connect Godly living with our physical health! He is our True Vine and apart from Him, we can do nothing…that is, nothing of eternal significance and nothing that brings Him glory (John 15:5). As we stay fully connected in our relationship with Jesus, we can live an abundant life that includes spiritual and physical well-being that brings glory to God!

I believe that pursuing spiritual and physical well-being is a Godly response to life, as I believe God wants very much for us to honor Him by taking care of our physical bodies! John, a devoted disciple and follower of Jesus, even prayed for this very thing!

“Dear friend, I pray that you may prosper in every way and be in good health physically just as you are spiritually.” 3 John 1:2

In 1 Corinthians 3:16, the Bible tells us, Don’t you yourselves know that you are God’s sanctuary and that the Spirit of God lives in you?”. While we are certainly expected to keep growing spiritually as God indwells us, God created our physically bodies too. He dwells in the physical body of every Christian! During Jesus’ ministry on earth, His primary purpose was to heal people spiritually by revealing that He is the way, the truth, and the life…He is our Savior! However, Jesus clearly cared for people’s physical needs too as He was overwhelmed with compassion for those who suffered physically and preformed numerous healing miracles!

Therefore, no matter your age, it is a Godly response to care for your body. Those of us in the 55+ category have a little more urgency to take healthy steps to exercise, eat well, and get rest!

One example of the urgency to exercise is that while losing muscle mass is a natural part of aging, the percentage increases greatly per year after the age of 60. You can slow this process with a nice regiment of strength training. You can also prolong a healthy lifestyle by improving balance, flexibility, and joint health with just the right amount and kinds of exercise!

If you haven’t been looking after your physical health very well, ask God to guide you in your first and your next steps in caring for your body. This clearly connects a spiritual approach to caring for your physical well-being and will honor God greatly!

If you get discouraged because some days are just hard, remember this special verse…

“For the moment all discipline seems painful rather than pleasant, but later it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it.” Hebrews 12:11

Ask God what He would like YOU to do today to take care of your physical needs. Then, take steps towards healthy living no matter your age. You will “yield the peaceful fruit of righteousness” when you honor God by taking care of your body!

2 thoughts on “A Free Small Drink”

  1. I happened upon your blog this morning with fresh eyes. We never got to really know each other as sisters in Christ, probably due to the chaos of the times (2020 ish) . Your thoughts here are encouraging and validating for me as I fight my way through the mindset that age is just a number. In January I will be 80 and God has seen fit to allow me to continue to play in my worship team at City Chapel Bremerton where I have made my home since Sonshine Baptist. My Worship leader is amazingly kind and supportive of my efforts. I agree wholeheartedly with your perspective on honoring God by honoring our physical vessels with proper nutrition and exercise. I started late, I’m afraid, but He is Faithful, and I’m still here. Rock on Robin! I will be following your blog more closely, savoring your sweet tidbits of encouragement for this old body to remain upright as long as He has need of me here. May God richly bless you both in your ministry down there in Texas. Watch out for the spiders! Love, Nancy Lyle

    1. Wow, Nancy!! Thank you so much for the encouragement that you just gave me! It’s great to hear from you, and know you are doing well! I don’t write blog articles on a particular schedule, just when I feel God stirring my heart to write something. I’m glad you will look forward to the next time I write. God bless you and your continued music ministry!🩷😊

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