A Poem for Thought

Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter. ~ Martin Luther King Jr.

Read Time 3 Minutes

Where is the light at the end of the tunnel? As we enter into our second year of Covid-19, some believe the vaccine is the light. However, the rollout of the vaccine has not been without many challenges and many changing predictions of facts, immunity, and about the road back to a working productive society.

All of this leaves Americans with an array of feelings, and still many people are on opposite ends of the spectrum on how our country should be handling all the issues that it faces today.

As Christians, we can struggle with how to deal with the troubles in our country especially if we don’t agree with some of our leaders. We have hope though, and it is a hope much mightier than a vaccine and much mightier than what individuals hold the offices of President, governors, and other leaders.

God does give us instructions on submitting to governing authorities (Romans 13:1-2 ; 1 Peter 2:13-17), and He also lets us know that He is King of Kings who has already overcome the world…hence, our peace and our victory for eternity (John 16:33)!

The Lord sat enthroned at the flood;
the Lord sits enthroned, King forever.” Psalm 29:10

“God will bring this about in His own time. He is the blessed and only Sovereign,
the King of kings,
and the Lord of lords,…” 1 Timothy 5:15

I am thankful that we still have freedom of speech in our country and that we can use that freedom to speak out about our feelings and injustices. While I usually use my blog to offer uplifting encouragement, today, I want to share a poem that was laid on my heart. It is a poem that speaks about problems that I believe are being mostly ignored in our country. As I quoted above, Martin Luther King Jr. said, “Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.” While I fully believe that Covid-19 is a terrible virus and has caused harm and loss to many families, I feel that our leaders should be addressing all the harm and losses from the fallout of the decisions made to combat the virus itself. I have much empathy for families who have lost loved ones to this sickness and much admiration for doctors, nurses, and all who are doing their part to fight the virus. With that said, I share a poem that cries out for some attention to other matters that are destroying lives across our country as well.

A Bigger Beast

Covid-19 is a horrible beast,
stealing lives across our country, across our world!
I believe, though, that there is a bigger beast…a deplorable beast stealing even more lives in a slow and degenerating way!
It is the beast created by the hyper-focus on this virus, the beast of media, “experts”, and politics!
This beast steals in a slow and silent way.
It steals peace
It steals security
It steals education, jobs, and businesses!
It steals economy
It steals the now and the future
It steals family time and celebrations.
It steals the ability to have a loved one with you in the hospital,
even at death’s moment itself!
It steals togetherness
It steals the smile on a face,
It steals emotional, mental, and physical well-being.
It steals fresh air
And the ability to share a meal with friends.
It steals freedoms a little at a time!
It steals a church’s congregation, community service, and visits with the elderly.

It is a beast that suffocates, that does kill,
That slowly steals a life by making it lifeless.
It steals patriotism
It steals a country!
It steals truth!

In the place of the treasures that it steals,
it gifts society with fear and dismay.
It creates distress, disfunction, and division!
It encourages isolation, depression, and loneliness!
It tells you that you are the enemy if you don’t agree,
That you are bad,
That you do not care for others!
It manipulates,
It lies!
It wants control!
This is the bigger of the two beasts!

Robin Bauer-Funderburk

Our country and our leaders need constant and fervent prayer for all the coming days and decisions that need to be made. May they seek God for wisdom and guidance. May we each show neighborly love to one another everyday for these are certainly tough times. May God be glorified by Americans seeking Him in revived passionate ways! And may we keep looking up to the One who has overcome the world!

“I am the Alpha and the Omega,” says the Lord God, “the One who is, who was, and who is coming, the Almighty.” Revelation 1:8

2021…Ready, Set, Go!

I am able to do all things through Him who strengthens me. Philippians 4:13

Read Time 5 Minutes

In keeping with my original inspiration for writing my blog, “True Vine Living” (being healthy spiritually and physically), I want to reiterate that I believe that true health and well-being first and foremost begins with being healthy spiritually. The only way to accomplish that is by giving your life to Christ.

“…for while bodily training is of some value, godliness is of value in every way, as it holds promise for the present life and also for the life to come.” 1 Timothy 4:8

We cannot exist completely whole and in good health if our spirit is unclean. None of us can achieve this on our own. We must be made new by the cleansing blood of Jesus Christ. We can try and try, but we cannot keep ourselves without any sin in our hearts. It is a constant battle that cannot be won on our own. We can; however, be cleansed and redeemed when we ask Jesus into our hearts. This means that we acknowledge that He died for us on the cross in place of us for our sins. He is God’s Son. God loves us so much that He gave His Son for us. When we except that we cannot make ourselves perfect and without sin, and that Jesus died for us, and that He is our way to Heaven for eternity, we can be victors over sin! When we ask Him to live in our heart and He becomes our master…our Lord and Savior, then true healthy living can begin. If you have not yet asked Jesus into your heart, I lovingly hope and pray that you will make this step right now in 2021.

“For God loved the world in this way: He gave His One and Only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send His Son into the world that He might condemn the world, but that the world might be saved through Him.” John 3:16-17

“For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God…” Ephesians 2:8

Once you have a personal saving relationship with Jesus Christ, then you can begin to tackle all the daily aspects of life “through Him who strengthens” you! (Philippians 4:13)

When we are spiritually healthy, then we have more power to take care of our physical health! As a personal trainer, the other inspiration for my blog is to be an encourager for healthy living through fitness and building good food habits. In this desire, I have put together two manageable and hopefully fun, motivating, and tasty lists for exercise and healthy eating ideas to try in this new year (with a 2021 twist)!

If you are interested in home exercise ideas, read on. If you are interested in healthy food ideas for snacks and small meals packed with good things for your body, you can view this list in the last section of this post.

“Twenty-One” At Home Exercises

With many gyms closed, mask mandates, and social distancing guidelines that don’t seem to be going away in the new year, most of us have found exercising challenging to accomplish. It’s been very hard to feel motivated. In this new year, ask God to help you in your motivation for physical well-being. Then, realize that you have a “gym” in and around your home with very little equipment needed for physical fitness, and the best equipment being your own body!

Here are “21” exercises for 2021 that you can do right in your own home or in close proximity to your home. Each of these exercises can be modified to be made easier or more difficult. If you are not sure what some are or the proper form to use, you can search the internet for very easy video demonstrations. I am also happy to help answer questions. You may leave a comment on my blog or message me through Facebook if you want a little help or guidance. The point is, just pick a few exercises to get started and do a little research on a few if you are unfamiliar. Be careful and don’t overdo to prevent injury. Build up to more as you feel you can. You may choose from these “21” exercises or use others you know to get started on a healthier you. If it’s a repetitive exercise, try “21” reps. Exercise for at least “21” minutes or more 3 to 5 times a week. This is a small start to building an exercise program. This is a big start to being physically healthy in 2021! The emphasis on “21” is to remember to conquer 2021 no matter what!

  1. Take a brisk “21” minute walk.
  2. Stretch various muscles. Choose a muscle (hamstring, calf, quad, etc.) Slowly stretch the muscle and gently hold for at least 21 seconds. You would be amazed at how stretching daily makes you feel so much better. I never miss this part of exercise!
  3. Pushups – traditional or modified by doing a pushup on an incline using a stable chair against a wall or park bench
  4. tricep dips– again using a stable chair against a wall or a park bench
  5. bicep curls– require dumbbells
  6. chest press– require dumbbells
  7. overhead press– require dumbells
  8. jumping jacks
  9. mountain climbers
  10. squats
  11. calf raises
  12. lunges
  13. sit-ups (core)
  14. crunches (core)
  15. plank– hold 21 or more seconds (core)
  16. butterfly kicks (core)
  17. bicycle floor exercise (core)
  18. bridges (gluts and core)
  19. climb stairs at home or in a park
  20. high knees drill
  21. Play a little basketball or play catch with someone! Make sure to have fun!

“Twenty-One” Good Foods for 2021

These foods made my list because most of them are complete protein foods, or complex carbohydrates that rank low on the glycemic index. A few of them are on my list because they offer another type of benefit. Of course if you have special dietary needs, some of these foods may not be for you. Enjoy some of them if you can, and pack your body with the energy and nutrients that you need to tackle 2021!

  1. A handful of natural almonds…one of my favorite healthy treats. They have many benefits, and I like that the Vitamin E is good for skin and eyes!
  2. humus with whole wheat pita
  3. edamame
  4. Ezekiel Bread
  5. yogurt with granola
  6. natural peanut butter on celery (add a few raisins for “Ants on a Log”)
  7. mozzarella cheese stick
  8. whole egg
  9. mixture of peanuts and sunflower seeds
  10. dried apricots
  11. an apple
  12. herbal tea sweetened with honey
  13. lentil soup and whole wheat bread
  14. rice and beans
  15. grapefruit
  16. cherries
  17. almond butter on an apple
  18. carrots with humus
  19. grapes
  20. oatmeal made with milk
  21. Because we all need a treat…dark chocolate (the healthiest if you need some chocolate)!

May 2021 be an amazing year for each of us no matter the circumstances surrounding us. May we be healthy and well by seeking the One who has already overcome the world! (John 16:33)

“But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be provided for you.” Matthew 6:33

Mere Breath!

You, indeed, have made my days short in length,
and my life span as nothing in Your sight.
Yes, every mortal man is only a vapor. Selah~ Psalm 39:5

Read Time 2 Minutes

“Behold, you have made my days a few handbreadths,
    and my lifetime is as nothing before you.
Surely all mankind stands as a mere breath!” Psalm 39:5

This verse reminds me that our lifetime is just a fleeting moment in eternity. The idea that our life is just a mere breath or only a vapor as some Bible translations tell us, can be a scary thought. It can make us question what is the significance of our brief life on earth. If you are not a Christian, it is terrifying!

On the other hand, this idea that “mortal man is only a vapor” can bring us great comfort when we know the One who makes life worth living…the One who, through Him, gives us eternal life in paradise (John 3:16; John 14:6; Luke 23:43). Our struggles, hurts, sicknesses, and heartaches are short-lived in comparison to our forever life in Heaven.

But what about this time we have on earth, if it is but a mere breath? What is the significance? What are we to do with it? How will we make the most out of our life right now in 2021 while we wait for our forever paradise?

First, we can know that God has plans for us right now and in eternity. He is working all things for our good…ALL! That means right now and forever. He has plans for us too…plans to prosper us and not harm us (Jeremiah 29:11; Romans 8:28; John 14:2). Even our present troubles prosper us when we are refined though Christ and made more like Him. We grow in maturity and wisdom and gain new levels of comfort and peace through hardships when we are living in Him. This is not harmful…it is beautiful and it is fruitful…it makes us come forth as gold (Job 23:10)! It can shine a light to others too!

No one lights a lamp and puts it under a basket, but rather on a lampstand, and it gives light for all who are in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before men, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father in heaven. Matthew 5:15-16

In Ecclesiastes, the whole theme is about there being nothing new under the sun. Everything is “hebel” a Hebrew word meaning vanity, a vapor, a puff, a breath…meaningless! The author discovers, however, that without God, “hebel” is all life is, but WITH GOD, every breath counts and every breath is full of meaning!

It’s 2021! Let’s make every breath, every moment, every thought, and every action count for His glory and His kingdom! Happy New Year!